Monday, March 29, 2010

Flank Steak Tacos

Flank steak is probably one of the cuts that if you do not know how to cook it you will never try. It can be a little fatty, and tough. You need to either cook it  fast on the grill or under the broiler or cook it low and slow in the crockpot. Always slice it against the grain.

1 flank steak, any excess fat trimmed off
2 teaspoons chili seasoning
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 lime or one cube of frozen lime juice(I buy a bunch of limes when they are on sale and juice them all and pour it into ice cube trays, then when you need lime juice you just pull out a cube, this tricks works with lemons too)
corn tortillas
diced white onion, cilantro, and avocado for topping

Make It:
Turn broiler on high. Place flank steak on a cookie sheet. Sprinkle one side with 1 teaspoon chili seasoning, 1/2 teaspoon cumin and 1/2 teaspoon onion powder, rub seasoning into meat. Flip over and repeat on the other side. Place flank steak on cookie sheet under the broiler and cook for 6 minutes a side.
Remove from broiler and let rest for 6-10 minutes. Slice thinly against the grain. Serve in a tortilla with toppings. Enjoy!