I'm a wife and mother of four beautiful babies. I have been blogging on and off for a while. I love cooking and creating. Then sharing when I have the time that is. I try to keep us as healthy as possible.
I get my fruits and veggies through an organic co op called Abundant Harvest Organics (for more info go to their site by Clicking Here). We eat a lot of fruit and veggies so I also go to the farmers market. There we get more produce and juice, eggs, honey, etc. I have us only eating produce that is in season except avocados (you have to have those) and it is all grown locally. I'm currently working on switching our dairy to local but that is a little bit harder so far.
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I love suggestions and feedback, and if you have any questions
Every year kili's school has a cake contest that she enters. This year was sick and could not enter a cake in the contest. So she just made it for the family to enjoy. Lucky us!